The Past, the Present, and Planning for the Future
The Past, the Present, and Planning for the Future
A Message from Mary Hime, Board President
Dear Members:
This month we celebrate the past and plan for the future. If you haven’t had a chance to drive down Austin Street, you really should The Kline’s Cafe Building is now ready to be moved. What that means is that the add-on portion of the building has been removed along with the concrete, asphalt and landscaping. The actual moving of the building will take place over the next month. It has been a long and complicated process. We have worked with so many individuals and organizations to accomplish this, that there are too many to list in this brief article. You know who you are. Thank you for your time, your patience and your understanding. We believe that the Kline’s Cafe Building’s new location will be a wonderful place to properly maintain and showcase a building representing the Rockport of yesterday.
On Friday, December 11th we will start to plan for the Rockport of tomorrow. The Board of Directors (incoming and outgoing) will gather to launch our next three-year strategic plan for the organization. Our last strategic plan was developed in 2015 and other than completing our new facility, all the other goals have been achieved. It is an exciting time for the organization as we plan for our future. We want to make sure that all our constituents will be served with our new facilities. In addition, we want to ensure the financial viability of the organization for years to come. This sounds like a tall order in this uncertain world but we believe we are up for the challenge.