The Ride to happiness

When former AIG Executive, Gordon Massie, decided to blow the whistle on what would become a massive fraud scandal, he had no idea how it would impact his life. Learning how to deal with losing his career, and other personal tragedies let him back to his lifelong passion.


This documentary follows the journey of a woman and her struggles as she emigrated to the United States from Mexico to work in the fields. While battling with the decision of leaving behind her mother and children in search of a better life.  Este documental sigue la trayectoria de una mujer y sus lucha mientras emigró a los Estados Unidos desde México para trabajar en el campo. Mientras lucha con la decisión de dejar atrás a su madre y a sus hijos en busca de una vida mejor.


Lives are forever changed when African men and women experience seizures. Demonized and ostracized, those living with epilepsy are forced to live in the shadows because of a suffocated stigma. A lack of awareness and education causes many to see the neurological condition of epilepsy as a curse from demons and witchcraft.   The Curse of Stigma follows the life story of 4 Kenyans living with epilepsy. These brave characters share their stories of oppression and assault to break the curse of stigma that surrounds their condition.   There is hope in sharing our stories. There is hope for the 10 million living with epilepsy in sub-saharan Africa through storytelling.


Tessa is a documentary set in the American South about finding freedom and independence, regardless of physical limitations, disability, and perceptions. The story follows Tessa, a 7-year-old girl born with limb difference, adopted as an infant from an orphanage in Ethiopia by a loving family in Austin, Texas. What Tessa wants to do is swim. With practice, perseverance, and passion, Tessa shows the true endurance of the human spirit by competing in her first swim meet at the Endeavor Games, the premier adaptive sports competition in the United States. Tessa finds a freedom in the water that she doesn't have anywhere else and brings us along on that joyful journey of believing in oneself. 


Christians, Jews, and Muslims agree on one thing – Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world. Jerusalem is the focal point of a sacred past and a glorious future, but the present city can be extremely complicated to understand. Join Dr.Chris McKinny – archaeologist and biblical scholar – as he guides you through the bustling streets of the Old City to reveal “Why Jerusalem Matters.”