Art exhibitions serve as a dynamic platform for creative expression, yet they often come with specific constraints that shape the parameters of what is presented. Curators typically seek to create inclusive environments that resonate with diverse audiences, ensuring that artworks inspire dialogue and reflection without veering into controversial or divisive themes. By focusing on universal human experiences, nature, or abstract concepts, exhibitions can promote appreciation for artistry while fostering a sense of community. These guidelines help maintain a respectful space that embraces varying perspectives and encourages thoughtful social engagement with the art on display, enriching both the creators' intentions and the viewers' experiences.

Exhibitions at Rockport Center for the Arts (RCA) advance the organization’s mission to enrich the intellectual and creative lives of the community at large, including senior citizens and youth through transformational, thought-provoking, family friendly experiences.  Exhibitions create a forum for critical inquiry, promoting visual thinking, the appreciation of beauty, the experience of multiple perspectives, and advancing knowledge about a variety of art forms, techniques and mediums.

RCA’s Exhibition Committee works with the Curator of Exhibitions to schedule a cohesive annual exhibition schedule that is planned several years in advance and is carefully balanced to present varied artistic programming to our audiences. Therefore, we are not able to accommodate unsolicited submissions for exhibits. As a general policy, RCA does not accept unsolicited artist submissions. We cannot guarantee that material e-mailed or sent by mail will be viewed or returned, so we kindly ask that you refrain from submitting unsolicited materials.

Guiding Principles

Rockport Center for the Arts Vision, Mission and Values - RCA is a multidisciplinary arts organization that values the education and future of the region’ s youth.  Exhibits at RCA must reflect that value. RCA’s exhibitions support and advance its mission to be the catalyst and epicenter to explore the creative arts. 

Artistic Excellence - Exhibitions at RCA are comprised of significant works of art that demonstrate a high level of aesthetic quality.  Artistic excellence, artistic significance, artistic merit, and community balance are the primary criteria guiding the selection and evaluation of RCA’s exhibitions.

Audience - Exhibitions at RCA focus on clearly defined audiences. Each exhibition takes into consideration RCA’s strategic goals for audience cultivation, is aligned with those goals when possible, and is informed by research documenting the needs and interests of the exhibition’s target audience(s).

Educational Connections - Exhibitions presented during the calendar year are aligned with projected educational outcomes for students participating in the local school district’s program, and the adult learning program at RCA.  Many of the artists exhibiting in the Galleries are invited to lecture or teach in the education program.

Community Engagement - RCA’s exhibitions strive to engage the greater Coastal Bend community and visitors from across Texas, and the United States. RCA’s exhibitions foster and are shaped by community collaborations whenever possible, RCA strives, when appropriate, to integrate exhibitions into city-wide thematic programming. 

Traveling Exhibits - From time to time, RCA will engage in traveling shows from other partner organizations, such as Birds in Art from the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wisconsin and other institutions.

Local artists – RCA’s exhibition program includes a commitment to exhibit and present the work of both established and emerging artists living and/or working in the greater Coastal Bend area as determined by the Exhibition Committee.

Living, Working Artists and Sales of Art - RCA’s mission is to contribute to the economies of living and working artists by connecting their works to discerning collectors.  As such, 95% of the work artists exhibiting in the Galleries must be available for sale to be considered for a show.

Current Work – For exhibitions, RCA presents recent and new work that is site specific or created with an exhibit concept in mind, as determined by the Curator of Exhibitions and the Exhibition Committee.  By “Current,” Rockport Center for the Arts means work created within the last 24 months.

Single Collector Exhibitions - RCA does not present exhibitions comprised solely of work lent by a single private collector.

Heritage Exhibits - RCA values artistic heritage but displaying exhibits of a historical nature is not part of its mission and thus will not be considered for exhibition. 

Gallery Rental – None of the exhibition spaces and Galleries are available for rent or loaned for short-term, long term, or pop-up exhibitions not curated by RCA.

Planning - RCA generally plans exhibitions two to three years in advance.  Exhibitions on view at the same time are linked thematically when possible and appropriate. 

Evaluation - Each exhibition is informed by clearly articulated curatorial goals and learning outcomes, and those goals and outcomes are measured with appropriate evaluation protocols.

Social Concerns - RCA’s exhibition portfolio includes exhibitions relating to contemporary local, regional, national and international social concerns. 

Balance - RCA presents a balanced portfolio of exhibitions, demonstrating diversity in audiences served, artists represented (local, regional, national, international, gender, ethnicity, contemporary,) and types of exhibitions (traveling, Museum-originated, juried, etc.).  RCA balances thematic group exhibitions with exhibitions of work by a single artist.

Exhibition Topics - RCA values artistic freedom of expression.  Because of RCA’s audience, mission, values, vision, and programmatic goals; RCA reserves the right to jury works of art that feature incendiary topics: sexually explicit; racially-religiously-politically charged; or that feature hate speech; profanity; fighting words; and/or vulgarity. 

Documentation - Each exhibition is documented through photography and/or video, and that documentation – along with educational and publicity materials produced for the exhibition - is preserved in an exhibition archive.

Design - Each exhibition integrates high-quality exhibition design, led by the organization’s Curator of Exhibitions, that is visually pleasing, that effectively communicates the exhibition’s message, and that facilitates meaningful aesthetic experiences for all RCA visitors.

Sponsors - From time to time, RCA will work with corporate sponsors or individual donors to underwrite the cost of exhibition logistics and marketing.

Public Relations - RCA promotes all exhibitions through press releases, social media, and direct media buys. 

I acknowledge receipt and that I have read and accept Rockport Center for the Arts’ Exhibition Policy which is part of the Exhibition Agreement between Exhibiting Artist and RCA.


(Print) Name of Exhibiting Artist __________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________


Catey Arnold, Barrow Foundation Curator of Exhibitions

Signature: ______________________________________________

Date: ____ - ____ - ________