PechaKucha: Rockport - Thursday, February 20, 2025

 Talk Less, Show More, Share Ideas


Presentations are generally set up to speak at people, not to people.


What is PechaKucha? A Japanese word that means chit-chat.


What is the PechaKucha Format? PechaKucha is a presentation format that uses 20 slides or images that are displayed for 20 seconds each. The slides will move automatically as the presenter is speaking. The images will auto-forward, so there's no way of going back to or skipping ahead between the slides. This format ensures that the speaker is concise, keeps the presentation moving, and gets through all of the content. This structured approach results in a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.


What is a PechaKucha Topic? The topic should be simple, and something the presenter is excited about. The key to a great presentation is to present something you love.


Number of Presenters: Only one speaker per presentation. 


Can there be Words in a PechaKucha Presentation? No. There should be no text on the slides as it distracts the audience from the content of the presentation.


Topics: Presentations are sought from the creative sector- architecture, art, culinary, design, film, lifestyle, and music for yet to be released projects, projects that are in progression, yet to be presented to the public, or scheduled for release at a future date.


Call for Creative Content: Submit your name, profession, and topic of your presentation along with 20 slides you wish to be juried into PechaKucha: Rockport.  Only presentations in the approved topics and in PowerPoint format will be juried.


Other Submission Requirements: If selected, you are required to submit a headshot and a brief bio.


Content Limitations: Family friendly- sexually explicit, political or religious content will be immediately disqualified. 


Submission Deadline: Monday, December 2, 2024


Notification Deadline: Thursday, January 2, 2025


Selection: Only 10 presentations will be selected by the jury panel. 


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Presentation Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025


Doors Open: Doors open at 5:30 PM for a Cocktail Party.


Start Time: Presentations start at 6:30 PM.


Intermission: There will be a 15-minute intermission after the 5th presentation. 


Location: The ROCC, 106 S Austin St, Rockport, Texas


Attendance Cost: Free to Rockport Center for the Arts members and presenters.  $50 per person for non-members. 

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