Every photographer wants their images to look as good as possible. Unfortunately, files directly from your camera need some degree of post-processing to achieve the “look & feel” that you were expecting. Adobe Lightroom is the photo editing software most photographers choose for their workflow… and it’s easy to use!
This 3-week course will introduce you to all of the features of this powerful software as you process your own photographs. We’ll take an intuitive approach to using Lightroom to get the best possible editing results. At the conclusion of this course you will have created a personal editing workflow that will improve every one of your photographs.
Supplies Needed
Adobe offers a free 30-day trial of both Lightroom and Photoshop. After 30-days, you can purchase the Adobe “Photography Plan” for less than $10 a month. The free trial will get you through this course. As a bonus, on week 3 we will introduce you to Adobe Photoshop… an even more powerful program that will take your photos to the next level.
Just bring your laptop computer and prepare to be creative!
Register & Pay for Class
About the Instructor
I could live anywhere in the world, but I've chosen to settle in the Coastal Bend of Texas. It's about as good a "target rich environment" as any nature photographer could ever ask for.
My challenge is to capture the unspoiled beauty of the Coastal Bend and share it through my photography. My subject interests range from sunrises over Aransas Bay to the many species of birds found here. And then there's all that other good stuff...
I live in Rockport, Texas with my wife Sharon. We've settled here for the long haul This is an easy place to live, work, and enjoy the good life here on the Gulf Coast.