Critique Group


Critiques are an indispensable component of every artist’s education, growth, and individual path—no matter how many years you’ve been practicing. Many artists are fearful of critiques — but they’re actually rewarding experiences to help you dig deeper into your process, inspirations, and techniques.

  • FREE to active members

  • focus on constructive feedback—not fear—to help you reflect on the purpose—and progress—of your journey as an artist.

  • Moderated by a Paid, accomplished artist every month.

  • Meetings are held on the Third Thursday of each month in the Fernandez Studio.

  • The group invites artists of all levels and backgrounds to come together for a conversation.

  • Bring 1 piece to share your in-progress or finished work, ask questions of the group, and discuss what might be next—or just come to share your viewpoints and learn from other artists.

  • Please Join us!

The next Critique Group meeting is June 20th with Master Artist and Wind Way Artist, Barb Robinson as Moderator.

Upcoming Moderators:

July 18th - Susie Black - Textile Artist

August 15th - Catey Arnold - The Barrow Foundation Curator of Exhibitions and Artist

September 19th -

October 18th -

November 21st -

December 20th -

Please contact Laura Vogel, Director of Education if you are interested in being a moderator at