Ewoud de Groot | 2012 Resident Artist — Rockport Center for the Arts


 The Contemporary Art Collection of Luis Purón 

Auction to Benefit the Luis Purón Endowment for the Fine Arts


Ewoud de Groot | 2012 Resident Artist

Ewoud de Groot lives and works in Egmond aan Zee, a coastal village in the north of the Netherlands. Born in 1969 in Alkmarr, he attended the Minerva Academy of Art and received a degree in illustration and painting. After illustrating nature books for a couple of years, he began painting full-time. His work has been featured in many exhibitions in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 

His subjects are often seabirds and waders. He spends time on his Dutch shrimp cutter exploring the Waddensea, an internationally known wetland that is actually a chain of islands, mudflats, and sandbanks, starting in the Netherlands and ending in the south of Denmark.

de Groot has been featured in the Art Center'sShorelinesexhibitions, as well as the Leigh Yawkey Woodson's prestigiousBirds In Artexhibition, which the Art Center will host in Fall 2013.
