Sketch! :: V....Vaughan


⭐️ -A Sketchbook (9x12)

⭐️ -Strathmore “Visual Journal”. Mixed Media or 90# watercolor paper. (9x12. Or similar pad) ⭐️ -Pencils. 6B, HB, 4H -Sharpie. 1 Fine tip. 

1 regular. 

⭐️ -Crayola markers. Set of 8 fine tip. 

⭐️ -Niji Water Brush

-Art Graf water Soluble Graphite

-Art Graf Carbon Disc

I can provide your own supply kit with all this for $50. 

Plus I will bring other supplies for you to try! 

Bring photos to work from. of things you’ve always wanted to know how to draw!