Rising Eyes of Texas — Rockport Center for the Arts


 The Contemporary Art Collection of Luis Purón 

Auction to Benefit the Luis Purón Endowment for the Fine Arts


Rising Eyes of Texas

Rising Eyes of Texas: Reception March 6, 5-7 pm

The third annual statewide juried exhibition for graduate, undergraduate and continuing education students. Nowhere else in Texas can you see such a vivid example of the great art programs in our state!
1st Prize: Benjamin Lamb, Texas State University
2nd Prize: Soyla Santos, University of Texas at Arlington
3rd Prize: Dahlia Alanis, Texas A&M; Corpus Christi

Honorable Mention:
Margaux Crump, Trinity University
Miguel Aragon, University of Texas at Austin
Derek Brown, University of Texas at San Antonio

Schools represented: University of Texas at Arlington, University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas at Tyler, University of Texas at Brownsville, University of Texas at San Antonio, Glassell School of Art Houston, Trinity University, Texas A&M; Corpus Christi, Baylor University, University of North Texas, Texas Tech University, Texas State University, Texas Woman's University 


2010 Prize Juror: Kelly Klaasmeyer, Editor of Glasstire (Texas Visual Art Online)

Kelly Klaasmeyer is a Houston-based artist and writer, as well as editor of Glasstire, an online magazine devoted to visual arts in Texas. She was selected as a Fellow for the 2009 USC Annenberg/Getty Arts Journalism Program, and was recently awarded the Warhol Foundation Writer's Grant.

Check out past winners and installation views @ www.risingeyesoftexas.com

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In addition to the collegiate exhibition, Artworks will also be on display from area high schools and Rockport Fulton Middle School. The Susie Love Scholarship ($2000) will be awarded to a graduating senior whose winning piece will be selected by the Rising Eyes of Texas Juror.
