A Message from Luis Purón, Executive Director
Dear Patron of the Arts,
Larry Beavers is an exceptional man that has been instrumental in building the new campus. He joined the Board in 2019 to fill a vacant seat. I’ve had the privilege of working closely with him since he joined the organization. Besides having an affable personality and a can-do attitude, Larry is also kind and generous with his time and resources. Here are some facts about Larry’s involvement with our organization.
Larry joined the Board in 2019 because we were looking for individuals with construction experience. As a commercial builder in the Houston market, his skillset was instrumental in the successful completion of the capital project that spanned two years (2020-2022). He served as the project manager, and directed the capital project committee, overseeing every aspect of the process with the architects and the contractor. His determination saw that construction was completed for The ROCC in November 2022 and Rockport Center for the Arts in December 2022.
Simultaneously, he served as Vice President of the Board of Directors in 2021 and President this year. As President, Larry and I have worked together to perform significant campus enhancements.
Construction in the post-pandemic is not easy, on time or cheap. The capital project was 1% over budget, 3 months behind scheduled completion, and delivered with no debt. This could not have happened without Larry’s expertise.
Please help me thank this incredibly humble gentleman for a job well done.
Merry Christmas!
Luis Purón
Executive Director